- Understand common Maintenance practices and safety standards.
- Understand how to utilize the aircraft’s technical documentation including maintenance manuals and other approved data.
- Understand the Aircraft Mechanical and Electrical Systems.
- Understand the locations of the principal components in the Aircraft systems.
- Familiarization with various maintenance checks and intervals related to the aircraft.
- Use of special tooling related to the aircraft.
- Understand Aircraft troubleshooting with Reference to the MEL, FIM/FRM.
- Understanding Avionics systems to a general description and understand the main Avionic systems.
Certificate of Completion
Pending FAA IA Renewal Acceptance (approved under Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 56, paragraph (B)(4))
This course will be a classroom-based or On-line course, and will include elements of presentations, questions, scenarios, resource-based learning and self-directed learning to ensure that all students are able to progress at a rate suitable for them.